Retired Members

Your TRAF pension is a valuable asset designed to provide you with retirement income during your lifetime. Keep in touch with us during your retirement, as certain life events can impact your pension. Register for and log in to Online Services and click “Account Profile” to keep your contact information current.

Retired Members

Your TRAF pension is a valuable asset designed to provide you with retirement income during your lifetime. Keep in touch with us during your retirement, as certain life events can impact your pension. Register for and log in to Online Services and click “Account Profile” to keep your contact information current.

Review Welcome to Retirement

This publication discusses many topics that will be important during your retirement.

Register for Online Services

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Experience the many benefits, including access to your pension account, teaching account and TRAF documents.

Your TRAF Pension


Topics covered include possible changes to your pension, deductions and cost of living adjustments, as well as life events that could impact your pension and how to report those changes to TRAF.