
August pension change notices for retired members available online

August 20, 2024

Pension change notices for August are now available in Online Services. Notices are available online only, but may be printed from your account. This notice will only be added to your account if there has been a change in your net monthly pension payment.

To view your notice, register for or log in to your Online Services account and choose “My TRAF Documents.”


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Security enhancements: Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

August 2, 2024

To add a further layer of security to your Online Services account, you will be asked to set up MFA upon registering or logging in.

When you receive this invitation, signing up for MFA will be mandatory.

Learn more about how to register for Online Services and set up MFA by watching a step-by-step video or reviewing the fact sheet.


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The 2023 Annual Report is now available

June 26, 2024

The 2023 Annual Report is now available. Read the report for details on governance, member services, funded status of the plan, cost of living adjustments, investments and more.


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Spring 2024 newsletters are available now

April 24, 2024

Read the spring 2024 editions of The Link (for active and deferred members) and The Horizon (for retired members). News stories include a profile on TRAF’s oldest member, Hazel Skuce, who turned 112 years old, 2023 investment results and an update on multi-factor authentication.


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2023 investment return

In 2023, the TRAF investment portfolio generated a return of 8.34% net of investment expenses, compared to the benchmark return of 9.29%. Longer-term returns remain well above our benchmark, having generated 0.72% in additional return over the past 20 years. For a breakdown of the investment returns, net of expenses, for the total portfolio and each asset class over the one-year, five-year, 10-year and 20-year periods, see Investment Performance.


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2024 cost of living adjustment

March 22, 2024

Effective July 1, 2024, TRAF will grant a cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 2.20% to eligible members receiving a TRAF pension.

To learn more, visit Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).


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Your 2023 T4A is now available

February 20, 2024

Your 2023 T4A is now available in your Online Services account. Log in or register today. Paper copies were mailed in mid-February.


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Returning to teach or work after retirement

January 15, 2024

If you return to teach under contract in a position covered by TRAF while collecting your pension and work more than 120 full days in a school year (including substitute service), your pension will be suspended on the 121st day and you must again contribute to TRAF. You are required to notify your employer(s) that you are receiving a TRAF pension and you will be required to track the number of days you work and notify your employer(s) and TRAF when that number reaches 120 days. Your employer is also required to notify TRAF in writing when the number of days is expected to reach 120 days.

The 120-day rule does not apply if you are age 65 or older and have at least 15 years of qualifying service before reaching your 121st day.

If you have returned or plan to return to teaching (or any other position covered by TRAF) after retirement, it is important that you understand all of the rules that apply, including both the 120-day rule and the 90-day rule, and the impact they may have on your pension.

For more information, please refer to the Teaching After Retirement fact sheet. We also encourage you to contact us to discuss your personal situation.


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Annual statements now available

November 30, 2023

2023 annual statements are now available through Online Services.

Your annual statement provides important information such as when you are eligible to apply for your pension, projected gross monthly pension estimates, your termination benefit and your pre-retirement survivor’s benefit. It also confirms your beneficiary designation in the event you pass away before your pension begins.

Log in or register for Online Services to review this important information.


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Annual report on funding of Account B (Province account)

June 28, 2023

In 2022, TRAF engaged Aon, the plan actuary, to conduct an analysis on the funding of Account B by the Province of Manitoba.

The report, which was presented to the Honourable Wayne Ewasko, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning on August 16, 2022, confirmed that Account B is projected to be depleted in 2053. As a result, the Province’s annual funding obligation will more than double at that time, from $270 million in 2052 to $568 million in 2053. The report concluded that there would be many benefits for the Province to pre-fund its pension liabilities now to fully avail itself of a globally diversified, low-cost investment program and avoid material funding increases in the future. Pre-funding Account B would also bring the plan more in line with other teachers’ pension plans across the country.

While pre-funding Account B has multiple benefits, please note that, under the terms of The Teachers’ Pensions Act, the Province has a statutory obligation to reimburse the pension plan for its 50% portion of pension payments made.

Learn more about the funding of the TRAF plan and read the Aon report.


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