Salary that Counts

Salary that Counts
The pension formula uses an average of your highest five (or seven* for service prior to July 1, 1980) years of salary out of your last 12 years of service prior to retirement. We call this your “final average.”
* Your best seven years, for service prior to July 1, 1980, can be converted to the best five-year average through a process called “conversion.” This can increase your pension. For more information, see the conversion fact sheet.
TRAF will always apply the full-time equivalent salary in your final average. So, if you are working part time, your average salary would be the same as if you were working full time.
The salary used to determine your final average is your annual contractual rate as provided to TRAF by your employer, which:
- includes administrative allowances,
- excludes pre-tax benefits, car allowance and summer or night school earnings, and
- includes “deemed” salary while receiving disability benefits.